Our PremiumServices


  • Buying a Property
  • Selling a Property
  • Renting a property





When assessing the value of a property you want to buy, it's important to be aware of other recent sales to help you arrive at the right price. We can provide you feedback on the recent sales figures and a fair quote on the property.

Laxmi Estate Agency is the one-stop shop for all your property needs. We can not only give you advice on how much a property in a particular area is worth, but also source an ideal property for you. We take great care in making sure that there are no issues with Title clearance, registration and the process of buying your property - whether your first home, upgrading, or an investment property - is a smooth one. One of our Home Loan consultants can also assist with financing your new purchase.

Investment Property

In our opinion, well located, actively managed investment property is one of the best investments for everyday investors. With an attractive combination of solid capital growth, regular income and generous tax breaks, it’s a simple investment that most people can understand. With a little effort and know-how, you can convert a modest deposit into a sizeable nest egg.


You don’t have to sell your property to access your profit, you can simply refinance. You can get a new valuation of the property and borrow more funds using the increased equity as security.